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Birthday sunglasses

Birthday sunglasses

Birthday sunglasses

These are birthday sunglasses with a black and white design, with on the left lens "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and on the right lens "MASSIMO"

Create Your Own Custom Logo Lenses® »

Product Overview

1 x Your Own Logo Lenses® £12,46
1 x Artwork Setup Fee £5,00
Total: £17,46 Continue»

Table of Prices

Qty. Reduction Each
1 - £12,46
10 -42% £7,15
20 -60% £4,92
50 -79% £2,60
100 -88% £1,44
200 -88% £1,44
500 -88% £1,44
1000 -88% £1,44
2000 -88% £1,44
5000 -88% £1,44
10000 -88% £1,43